Hush is an american horror thriller. The film co-stars John Callagher Jr, Michael Trucco, Samantha Sloyan and Emilia Graves.
It's about Maddie a young deaf and mute author who lost her hearing after a bout of bacterial menengitis at age 13. She lives alone in the woods and usually seh becames visits from her best friend Sarah and her neightbor.
one dat Sarah wants to visit Maddie and there aperes a man with a mask , she begans tu run and knock the door but Maddie can't hear it. Than Maddie recives a email from an untknown man which mails her a foto from her siting on her sofa in the same moment. she runs to close the dor and let the man outside.
In this film Maddie in trying to be not killed and it's very difficult because he can't her anything.,d.d24
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